
The Green Paradise of Seville


The natural environment which surrounds Cazalla de la Sierra favoured humans' settlements since the Neolithic and the Calcolithic periods, as it is proved by the archaeological sites found nearby, like in Santiago's Caves. Since a long time ago, the existence of mines in the surrounding area also favoured successive settlements of people who left important evidences of their culture. Likewise, Roman and Visigothic rests have been found in the area. Nevertheless, it was not until the arrival of the Almohade people, by the mid-12th century, when the urban settlement of the population began with the construction of the castle and its walls.

The first urban expansion beyond the walls headed towards the popular Azahín neighbourhood, by the mid-14th century. Cazalla gains much relevance between the 16th and 17th centuries due to its wines, which were exported to Amercia, and to the settlement of some religious orders in town, like the Franciscans, Augustinians, Carthusians, etc. In 1730 even King Philip V decided to set his summer residencce in our village.

In the 19th centuray Cazalla de la Sierra became key in the development of the iron and steel industry in Spain, thanks to the factory of El Pedroso, located just ea few miles away, right where the Rivera del Hueznar and the San Pedro Stream meet. In the 20th century, the plendour of the anisette industry turned Cazalla into a prosperous village, which was granted the title of "city" in 1917.

Places to visit:
  • The Parish Curch of Ntra. Sra. de Consolación
  • The Convent of Madre de Dios
  • La Cartuja de Cazalla
  • The former convento of San Francisco
  • The former monastery of Santa Clara
  • The hermitage of Ntra. Sra. del Carmen
  • The former convent of San Agustín (nowadays the Town Hall)
  • The former monastery of San Benito (now hotel Palacio de San Benito)
  • The hermitage of Ntra. Sra. del Monte

Town Hall of Cazalla de la Sierra
Plaza Doctor Nosea, 1
41370 Cazalla de la Sierra (Sevilla)
tel.: (+34) 954 88 40 25
fax: (+34) 954 88 41 18
web: www.cazalladelasierra.es
email: comunicacion@cazalladelasierra.es

Tourist Office
Plaza Mayor
tel.: (+34) 954 88 35 62