Concentración de Paramotores y Fiesta de las Candelas

Concentración de paramotores y fiesta de candelas


31 de enero - 1 de febrero 2009

La Puebla de los Infantes

This year will be the XIII EDITION PARAMOTORES's CONCENTRATION " THE CANDLES 2009 ", that we will celebrate in La Puebla de los Infantes next January 31 and February 1, coinciding with the traditional fair named: The Candles.
It is the earliest appointment of the fans of the flight, for which sportsmen from whole Europe and of other points of the world come on to the banks of Jose Torán's Reservoir, taking advantage of the nice climate, when in other places still they would suffer the winter temperatures.

The official inauguration of the event will take place on Saturday, the 31st from January to 11 a.m., with the opening of the tent that will receive the FAIR IV OF HANGGLIDERS AND PARAMOTOR, where the innovations of the manufacturers will be exposed. Other parallel activities will be celebrated likewise as a new edition of the Contest of Disguises in Paramotor for pilots and accompanists and, as innovation for this year, a Contest of Photography on previous editions of The Candles, a Photographic Exhibition of the received photographes.

The paramotors Concentration coincides with the traditional fair of " The Candles ", which is celebrated around the festivity of The Candlemas: the neighbors of the different neighborhoods and streets of the locality give life to big bonfires in which they burn motives that symbolize anecdotes happened throughout the year, and meet around them in a gastronomic party in which the typical "sopaipas"  with chocolate and other sweets are shared, and in that it is possible to see the people sing and dance the "sandinga", typical dance of the locality.

La festividad deportiva, unida a la tradicional con la misma denominación, se han convertido en una de las fiestas grandes de La Puebla de los Infantes y de la comarca, alcanzando renombre internacional como fiesta del paramotor.

The sports festivity joined the traditional one with the same denomination, they have turned into one of the biggest parties of La Puebla de los Infantes and of the region, reaching international renown as fair of the paramotor.

More information:

Townhall of La Puebla de los Infantes
Tel. (0034) 954808015

Club ?Las Candelas Paramotores?